How much money do I have to raise if I’m participating in the One Mission Buzz Off at Apex Entertainment?
How much money do I have to raise if I’m participating in the One Mission Buzz Off at Apex Entertainment?
The minimum fundraising requirement* for all participants who register for the One Mission Buzz Off at Apex Entertainment is $350 per person ($200 for kids age 17 and younger). Fundraising minimums must be raised by 11:59 PM on June 8, 2025. Any balance due at that time will be charged to the credit card submitted during registration. For example, if you have only raised $200 by June 8, 2025, your credit card will be charged $150 to reach the required $350 minimum. Though you are responsible for the fundraising minimum, you are not responsible for the fundraising goal you select when registering.
*The fundraising minimum must be met by each individual Buzzee on their own personal fundraising page, regardless of whether shaving alone or as part of a team.